What causes neuropathy?
There are many causes of peripheral neuropathy including diabetes, chemotherapy or radiation treatments, past accidents and injuries, genetic or hereditary disorders, circulatory problems, inflammatory infections, auto-immune diseases, exposure to chemical toxins, certain prescription medications, chronic NSAID use, chronic alcoholism, kidney failure, and poor nutrition.
Why have I been told nothing can be done for neuropathy?
We have heard many people tell us that they were told that nothing could be done for them, they would just have to live with it, or that there’s no cure for neuropathy. Unfortunately, outside our office, that seems to be true.
Outside of what we do in our office, the only treatment options are medications (oral or injectable), physical therapy (great for muscle and joint problems but doesn’t work too well for nerve regeneration), or surgery (if they feel it’s coming from the neck or lower back.
Every day in our office, we get to witness people feeling better, sleeping better, and getting their lives back because of our revolutionary neuropathy correction program.
How long does it take to see results?
80% of people we choose to work with see noticeable improvement anywhere from the first treatment to within 1-2 weeks. The other 20% may take a little longer but on average notice improvement within 4-6 weeks.
Can Neuropathy symptoms come back?
It is possible that symptoms can come back, however, this happens when people do not follow instructions or quit when they are feeling much better. There is a tremendous difference between feeling better and healing.
Have you ever needed antibiotics for something like an ear or sinus infection? Typically, the doctor prescribes 30 pills to be taken three per day for 10 days. They tell you “even if you start feeling better before the 10 days, continue to take the pills or else…” What? That’s right! “… or else it could come back”.
The same scenario applies to neuropathy. While most people notice relief quickly, the true healing time for nerves can be 12-15 months and in cases of chemo or radiation induced neuropathy, healing can take up to 2 years.
Typically, if someone begins our program, follows instructions and carries out the treatments (mostly done at home) to allow as much of maximum healing as their body can achieve, the neuropathy will not return.
Dr. Yen Nguyen
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach